Hey there,
You maybe know our project of our game Der Grüne Schatz or you have seen our logo. But what exactly is Finde Vielfalt?
Finde Vielfalt is a research project and we are developing different geogames.
Geogames are games, which you can play outside in plain nature and bear reference to the location, where you are playing at. So it
does make a difference if you play the game on your doorstep or in the middle of the woods.
Maybe you've done already geocaching. That's also a geogame. But we are making games, which are playable with a smartphone or a tablet. The main topic of our games is biodiversity. This means they deal with topics, which are concerned with different plants and animals.
But what is a research project? A research project is a project, where several scientists analyse something. Just like a group project they are searching together for a solution and everyone has a special talent.
What can here be researched - don't you have to do this in a laboratory? No, you can examine a lot with games. With our project we want to see, if we can manage with our game, that children just like you are more interested in biodiversity.
But why should you be interested in biodiversity? Many plants and animal species are endangered with extinction. That is why it is so important, that everyone
engages themselves with biodiversity. Because you can only protect those things you are aware.
To discover biodiversity you don't have to go to the zoo – they are even at your doorstep. So that you get to know biodiversity we are developing our games.
There is also a program of the Federal Government Germany about biodiversity. We also participate there with our project.
In our project we develop a total of six different geogames.
Sounds like a lot of work? That is why we are doing this with many people. Finde Vielfalt is a research project of three partners: the University of Education
Ludwigsburg, the University Bamberg and the Deutschen Jugendherbergen (German Youth Hostels). Here you can see, who is working on
this project.
Our first geogame is called Der Grüne Schatz (the green treasure) and you can play this game with
your parents everywhere - for example on your doorstep or at the next stroll through the woods. The game is for families with children at the age from 6 to 12.
The other five games are called Finde Vielfalt Simulation (Find biodiversity simulation) and those are playable at ten different youth hostels throughout Germany. You can play those games, when you are going to those youth hostels with your class. Those games are for children of class 7 and above.
Here you can learn more about Der Grünen Schatz and here you learn more about Finde Vielfalt Simulation.
Finde Vielfalt - Biodiversität erleben mit ortsbezogenen Spielen (BioDiv2Go) ist ein Projekt der Pädagogischen Hochschule Ludwigsburg, der Universität Bamberg und den Deutschen Jugendherbergen. Das Projekt hatte eine Laufzeit vom 1.12.2013 bis zum 31.12.2018. Das Projekt wurde gemeinsam gefördert durch das BMBF und das BMU /BfN und dem Bundesprogramm für biologische Vielfalt.
Prof. Dr. Armin Lude und Prof. Dr. Steffen Schaal (PH Ludwigsburg), Prof. Dr. Christoph Schlieder (Uni Bamberg), Bernd Lampe (DJH). Förderkennzeichen: 01LC1311A.
Das Projekt Finde Vielfalt wurde 2017 als offizielles Projekt der "UN-Dekade Biologische Vielfalt" ausgezeichnet.
Unser Geogame Finde Vielfalt Simulation wurde 2016 mit dem Qualitätssiegel "Werkstatt N-Projekt 2016" des Nachhaltigkeitsrats der Bundesregierung
prämiert. (12/16)
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