Click on the logo and you will get directly to the game Der Grüne Schatz.
Hello there,
we have developed the game Der Grüne Schatz for you and your family. At the Grünen Schatz you go with family FindeViel on treasure hunt for plants with special properties. Those plants grow everywhere - you just have to find them. This could be a dandelion for example or even a beech tree.
Watch the video (in German) of Der Grüne Schatz right here:
You've seen already a lot about the family FindeViel.
Here you get to know the game family with Felix, Flora, Franka, Ferdinand and dog Frida even better.
To play Der Grüne Schatz you naturally have to go outside – because plants grow there.
As long as you're outside, you can play it everywhere - in front of your doorstep or at a stroll in the woods. It is best if you go with your parents to a place
where lots of different plants are growing.
You just need a smartphone or a tablet.
You don't need an own mobile, because you're playing the game with your parents - they surly got one.
And who is allowed to play the game? Der Grüne Schatz is a game for families with children between 6 and 12. If you are older than that, you're still allowed to play it though. It is best when you play it with your parents during a walk. Or you just start with your search at home in your garden or at your doorstep. For plants grow everywhere!
What may interests your parents: The game has been developed from two universities and is therefor for free. We don't want to earn money with it.
Our game Der Grüne Schatz is completed!
You can play it here together with your family.
Let's go - search your own green treasure!
Finde Vielfalt - Biodiversität erleben mit ortsbezogenen Spielen (BioDiv2Go) ist ein Projekt der Pädagogischen Hochschule Ludwigsburg, der Universität Bamberg und den Deutschen Jugendherbergen. Das Projekt hatte eine Laufzeit vom 1.12.2013 bis zum 31.12.2018. Das Projekt wurde gemeinsam gefördert durch das BMBF und das BMU /BfN und dem Bundesprogramm für biologische Vielfalt.
Prof. Dr. Armin Lude und Prof. Dr. Steffen Schaal (PH Ludwigsburg), Prof. Dr. Christoph Schlieder (Uni Bamberg), Bernd Lampe (DJH). Förderkennzeichen: 01LC1311A.
Das Projekt Finde Vielfalt wurde 2017 als offizielles Projekt der "UN-Dekade Biologische Vielfalt" ausgezeichnet.
Unser Geogame Finde Vielfalt Simulation wurde 2016 mit dem Qualitätssiegel "Werkstatt N-Projekt 2016" des Nachhaltigkeitsrats der Bundesregierung
prämiert. (12/16)
Das Projekt wurde durchgeführt von:
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